(∆)If one exists, what is the Chapter's Flaw? (10)Multiple instabilities - roll d3 more times on the table, rerolling multiples of the same result. (9)Doomed - the Chapter has either lost the ability to generate Progenoids or the Black Carapace, stopping future neophytes from being created. One of the Astartes organs (like the Betcher's Gland or Melanchromic Organ) not something critical like the Black Carapace (5)Malfunctioning Melanochrome - Weird-coloured skin. (4)Malfunctioning Lyman's Ear - Unable to auto or self correct dizziness or disorientation, so Warp travel is. (3)Mutated Catalepsean Node - Ever heard of a Narcoleptic Space Marine? Now you have. (2)Hyper-stimulated Omophagea - Getting hungry.Must eat the enemy! (1)Oversensitive Occulobe - "In the dark, I can see perfectly! How usefu-aaAAAH THE SUN! HOLY EMPEROR MY EYES!" (✓)If they have one, what Gene-seed deficiencies/mutation do they have? (10)Flawed - Chapter's gene-seed is flawed and sets them apart from their progenitor - roll one trait from the Chapter Flaws table below(∆) (8-9)Altered Stock - Gene-seed is altered and some implants are deficient - roll one trait from the Gene-seed Deficiency/Mutation table below(√) (5-7)New Generation - Gene-seed is slightly divergent (because of attempts to breed out flaws), leading to the Chapter being less linked to its progenitor (1-4)Pure - Same as progenitor in terms of purity, and maintains close links with it (10)Uphold the Honour of the Emperor - Glory to The Emperor! Nothing else matters.īased on the Chapter's Progenitor, how likely are they to suffer gene-seed mutation? (9) Secretive - No, you can't know what we're doing or why. (8)Suffer Not the Work of Heretics - specialize against Chaos Legion (7)Suffer Not the Xenos to Live - specialize against aliens (6)See, But Don't Be Seen - In-and-out, mission accomplished, no witnesses. (5) Misunderstood - Yes, you may not understand our methods, but we are still loyal to the Imperium (4) Aggressive - Subtlety and stealth? Not our way. (3)No Mercy, No Respite - Purge them all. (2) Precise/Target-Oriented - We're here to eliminate only our target no more. (1)Swift As The Wind - Going slow? Planning things out? Not our way. (91-95)42nd Millennium (Ultima Founding made of Primaris Marines) (31-40)36th Millennium (13th/Cursed/Dark Founding, this Chapter has little to no founding info) Little or no evidence exists to support the belief ) (1)31st Millennium (the Chapter claims to be a Second Founding Chapter, although (9-10)Crusade - "We need Marines everywhere hitting all the Imperium's enemies. (7-8)Standing Force - "This sector has no Marines?! Found a Chapter!" (5-6)Counter - "There are enemies over there! Found a Chapter!" (3-4)Retaliation - "The enemy is building or forming a what? Found a Chapter!"

(1-2)Strategic Prognostication - "Our seers say there might be a threat here.