Hoi4 best division designs
Hoi4 best division designs

hoi4 best division designs hoi4 best division designs

So if you have a state with 0.15 then you could defend that region with so much less troops, but if you have a state with 1.50 then you need to increase the number of units in the garrison division template you have.

hoi4 best division designs

The ones with mostly modern tanks can be used very rarely. These are the stats for the 7 Infantry – 2 Artilery division from above. It is important to keep it in the back of your head, but not make it dictate your unit composition. You could have also mentioned some of the options of advisors and the pp modifications and companies, as those also can increase speed, reduce attrition, or increase reliability, Your email address will not be published. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins.

hoi4 best division designs

The second section called "Advanced Templates" has several templates which are good only in certain situations. Required fields are marked *, Hearts of Iron IV 4 – Recommended Division Templates. Equipment numbers > All the individual numbers of vehicles and other equipment you would require to produce this division template. You could have at least credited the original author, Akfiz. Trickleback & Exp.Loss: Trickleback is how many casualties are returned to your manpower pool and exp.loss is how much experience is lost when these casualties are replaced by fresh men. If you like, you can even create a strong French puppet state, not only for the free divisions that puppet states tend to produce, but also for the sizable navy, that you will later inherit. Keep them with Special Forces, and use them all over if you will have a small manpower pool from Laws or small base population. You just select what kind of division you want to garrion that region and the manpower and equipment will be automatically deducted from your stockpile. That’s right, the Cavalry while obsolete on the frontline has its use in suppressing ressistance. HP (hitpoints): How much damage your unit can take during combat. B) Use softer occupation laws for long-term benefits with low costs to suppress ressistance but also low taken resources and factories until the population grows compliance. Each country starts with one or more division templates that may be used to order recruiting and deployment of new land units. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Otherwise, the slot may ave a better use. Probably banned in most MP games, and will destroy anything they face in singleplayer. Can you tell me a good tactic of getting France and the benelux even faster and if possible with panzers/motorized? Other Hearts of Iron IV Guides: 100% Achievement Guide.

Hoi4 best division designs