They always break something that was working fine before. This is why I don't trust Windows updates. It's not VoiceMeeter's fault, because it was working before and, when I reverted the update, it worked fine again. Please restart your device" when trying to watch YouTube on this PC. If I tried designating my speakers as my output device, I would get no sound and would get an "Audio Renderer Error. I was being forced to use my virtual cable to hear anything, but that wasn't the purpose of the virtual cable. When I got the update, my A1 hardware output in VoiceMeeter would not work with my speakers as the selected output device. and can happen also after installing and configuring Voicemeeter for HeSuVi.

I then had OBS set to mute Discord sounds and told my sound settings whether or not to have VoiceMeeter pick up Chrome sounds, and had OBS told to only record sounds that were coming through VoiceMeeter's pickup. Select your output, click on the troubleshooting options and remove the. In VoiceMeeter, my input was an installed virtual cable which was being routed to my hardware output, which was my speakers. I have VoiceMeeter for splitting audio and telling it which inputs and outputs I want, so if I'm streaming/recording gameplay and gameplay audio with OBS while talking to someone on Discord who might be watching me play, neither my audio nor theirs is recorded by OBS.